Personal Development

What's in a word?

Each year people set themselves goals. To get fitter, spend more time with family and friends, get to that next level at work, grow their own veggies - the list is limitless.

James Clear says “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress”, and so I have set this intention as the screensaver on my phone and laptop. It is also present as a card in my house. I keep it in front of me so it remains front of mind. It’s like a lens through which I see and operate with the world.

What does it take?

Why does it often take a major event to spur us into action regarding what we've long considered but postponed? Why do we sacrifice our desires when we could, in fact, have it all? What limiting beliefs hinder us from reaching our higher selves? Perhaps you're holding back on a decision, avoiding a crucial action, or letting independence hinder seeking support. Perhaps also, we need to redefine what success looks like.