What's in a word?

Each year people set themselves goals. To get fitter, spend more time with family and friends, get to that next level at work, grow their own veggies - the list is limitless.

I tend to, however, choose the path of setting an intention for the year. This intention is not a destination, it is more like a quality that I wish to lean into.

It is an intention that permeates my whole world and is ever present in my mind as True North.

A 2022 article in Time magazine by psychologists Jay Van Bavel And Dominic Packer states that “… by some estimates, as many as 80% of people fail to keep their New Year's resolutions by February. Only 8% of people stick with them the entire year”.

James Clear says “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress”, and so I have set this intention as the screensaver on my phone and laptop. It is also present as a card in my house. I keep it in front of me so it remains front of mind. It’s like a lens through which I see and operate with the world.

My word for 2024 is Joy.

Incorporating joy into your daily life isn't just about surface-level delights; it's about creating a wellspring from deep within you. Not only will it build your own well-being, but the ripple effect will impact positively on those around you. 

As I journey through 2024, I will ask myself the question “What would Joy do, think, say, feel or be?”.  It is the touchstone I will continue to come back to throughout 2024.

Perhaps this idea is something you too would like to take up. If so, what quality would you like to lean into this year?

Mary-Anne Murphy